
Bagaimana Kalo Kita mau gabung

Silahkan Kirim nama, alamat, no hp yang bisa dihubungi ke email ech4q@yahoo.co.id dan bayar biaya pendaftaran Rp 30.000. Biaya pendaftaran di transfer ke :

PT. Orindo Alam Ayu

Lippo Bank - Cab. Lippo PlAZA

A/C 540-30-01211-3

BCA - Cab. Wisma GKBI

A/C 006-300189-6

Setelah melakukan transfer silahkan kirimkan scan identitas (bisa KTP, SIM atau tanda pengenal lain yang diakui oleh lembaga yang berwenang) dan juga bukti transferan anda ke ech4q@yahoo.co.id

Dapatkan Starter Kit* yang berisi seluruh materi yang Anda butuhkan untuk memulai usaha Anda.

Ambil manfaat dari Oriflame Welcome Program bagi Anda yang baru menjadi Consultant.

Ayoo yang mau ikutan di tunggu yah....

Email : ech4q@yahoo.co.id
Tlp : 04115473570

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INTI College Indonesia

INTI College Indonesia is the pioneer of internationalized private higher learning institution in the country. Through a range of practical and innovative courses, INTI College Indonesia has carved out a reputation as a respected institution that offers International transfer program since 2001.

INTI College Indonesia always aims at producing graduates with solid employability factors, as the institution realizes that the increasingly competitive job market requires a grasp of real industry setting, a winning edge and an overall solid employability factor.

INTI College Indonesia is a subsidiary of INTI Education Group, higher learning institution with commendable reputation and extensive experiences in the education industry. INTI College Indonesia is also a member of Laureate International University Network, which is the world’s largest education network with over 50 universities in 29 countries.

Being a part of INTI College Indonesia means pursuing a world-class education for a Global Career.


Many courses at INTI College Indonesia are problem-based learning, and as such, dynamic interaction in the classroom is bound to happen.
INTI College Indonesia offers two programs:
> International Transfer Program
> University Foundation
> Business studies program that recognized internationally

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